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Journal Articles
- De Witte, E., Piai, V., Kurteff, G., Cai, R., Mariën, P., Dronkers, N.F., Chang, E. & Berger, M. A valid alternative for in-person language assessments in brain tumor patients: Feasibility and validity measures of the new TeleLanguage test. Neuro-Oncology Practice, 2019, 6:2, 93-102.
- Battistella, G., Henry, M., Gesierich, B., Wilson, S.M., Borghesani, V., Shwe, W., Miller, Z., Deleon, J., Miller, B.L., Jovicich, J., Papinutto, N., Dronkers, N.F., Seeley, W.W., Mandelli , M.L. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Differential intrinsic functional connectivity changes in semantic variant primary progressive aphasia. Neuroimage Clinical, 2019, 22:101797.
- Lukic, S., Mandelli, M.L., Welch, A., Jordan, K., Miller, Z., Cobigo, Y., Hubbard, H. I., Henry, M., Miller, B.L., Dronkers, N.F. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Neurocognitive basis of repetition deficits in primary progressive aphasia. Brain and Language, 2019, 194, 35-45.
- Akinina Yu., S., Dragoy, O. V., Ivanova, M. V., Iskra, E.V., Soloukhina, O.A., Petrushevskii, A. G., Fedina, O. N., Turken, A., Shklovsky, V.M. & Dronkers, N. F. Grey and white matter substrates of action naming. Neuropsychologia, 2019, 131, 249-265.
- Paulraj, S.R., Schendel, K., Curran, B., Dronkers, N.F. & Baldo, J.V. Role of the left hemisphere in visuospatial working memory. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 2018, 48, 133-141.
- Ivanova, M.V, Dragoy, O.V., Kuptsova, S.V., Akinina, S.Y., Petrushevskii, A.G., Fedina, O.N., Turken, A., Shklovsky, V.M. & Dronkers, N.F. Neural mechanisms of two different verbal working memory tasks: A VLSM study. Neuropsychologia, 2018, 115, 25-41.
- Baldo, J.V., Kacinik, N., Ludy, C., Paulraj, S., Moncrief, A., Piai, V., Curran, B., Turken, A., Herron, T. & Dronkers, N.F. Voxel-based lesion analysis of brain regions underlying reading and writing. Neuropsychologia, 2018, 115, 51-59.
- Dronkers, N.F., Ivanova, M.V. & Baldo, J.V. What do language disorders reveal about brain–language relationships? From classic models to network approaches. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 2017, 23(9-10), 741–754. Special 50th anniversary issue.
- Riès, S.K., Dhillon, R.K., Clarke, A., King-Stephens, D., Laxer, K.D., Weber, P.B., Kupermang, R.A., Auguste, K.I., Brunner, P., Schalk, G., Lin, J.J., Parvizi, J., Crone, N.E., Dronkers, N.F. & Knight, R.T. Spatiotemporal dynamics of word retrieval in speech production revealed by cortical high-frequency band activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017, 14(23), 4530-4538.
- Piai, V., Meyer, L., Dronkers, N.F. & Knight, R.T. Neuroplasticity of language in left-hemisphere stroke: evidence linking subsecond electrophysiology and structural connections. Human Brain Mapping, 2017, 38(6), 3151-3162.
- Ivanova, M.V., Kuptsova, S.V. & Dronkers, N.F. A comparison of two working memory tasks in aphasia. Aphasiology, 2017, 29, 645–664.
- Dragoy, O., Akinina, Y. & Dronkers, N.F. Toward a functional neuroanatomy of semantic aphasia: a history and ten new cases. Cortex, 2017, 97, 164-182.
- Piai, V., Anderson, K.L., Lin, J.J., Dewar, C., Parvizi, J., Dronkers, N.F. & Knight, R.T. A key role for the hippocampus in language. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016, 113(40), 11366-11371.
- Ivanova M.V., Isaev D.Y., Dragoy O.V., Akinina Y.S., Petrushevskiy А.G., Fedinа О.N., Shklovsky V.M. & Dronkers N.F. Diffusion-tensor imaging of major white matter tracts and their role in language processing in aphasia, Cortex, 2016, 85, 165-181.
- Schendel, K., Dronkers, N.F. & Turken, A.U. Not just language: Persisting lateralised visuospatial impairment after left hemisphere stroke. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 2016, 22(7), 695-704.
- Ries, S.K., Dronkers, N.F. & Knight, R.T. Choosing words: left hemisphere, right hemisphere, or both? Perspective on the lateralization of word retrieval. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 2016, 1369(1), 111-131.
- Mandelli, M.L., Vitali, P., Santos, M., Henry, M., Gola, K., Rosenberg, L., Dronkers, N.F., Miller, B., Seeley, W.W. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Two insular regions are differentially involved in behavioral variant FTD and nonfluent/agrammatic variant PPA. Cortex, 2016, 74, 149-157.
- Baldo, J.V., Kacinik, N.A., Moncrief, A., Beghin, F., & Dronkers, N.F. You may now kiss the bride: Interpretation of social situations by individuals with right or left hemisphere injury. Neuropsychologia, 2016, 80, 133-141.
- Baldo, J.V., Paulraj, S.R., Curran, B.C., & Dronkers, N.F. (2015). Impaired reasoning and problem-solving in individuals with language impairment due to aphasia or language delay. Frontiers in Psychology, 2015, 6, article 1523, 1-14.
- Thiebaut de Schotten, M., Dell’Acqua, F., Ratiu, P., Leslie, A., Howells, H., Cabanis, E., Iba-Zizen, M.T., Plaisant, O., Simmons, A., Dronkers, N.F., Corkin, S. & Catani, M. From Phineas Gage and Monsieur Leborgne to H.M.: Revisiting Disconnection Syndromes, Cerebral Cortex, 2015.
- Ries, S.K., Karzmark, C.R., Navarrete, E., Knight, R.T., & Dronkers, N.F. Specifying the role of the left prefrontal cortex in word selection, Brain and Language, 2015, 149, 135-147.
- Flinker, A., Korzeniewska, A., Shestyuka, A.Y., Franaszczuk, P.J., Dronkers, N.F., Knight, R.T., & Crone, N.E. Redefining the role of Broca’s area in speech. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015, 112(9), 2871-2875.
- Brambati, S.M., Amici, S., Racine, C.A., Neuhaus, J., Miller, Z., Ogar, J., Dronkers, N.F., Miller, B., Rosen, H., & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Longitudinal gray matter contraction in three variants of primary progressive aphasia: A tensor-based morphometry study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 2015, 8, 345-355.
- Ries, S.K., Greenhouse, I., Dronkers, N.F., Haaland, K.Y. & Knight, R.T. Double dissociation of the roles of the left and right prefrontal cortices in anticipatory regulation of action. Neuropsychologia, 2014, 63, 215-225.
- Mandelli, M.L., Caverzasi, E., Binney, R., Henry, M., Lobach, I., Amirbekian, B., Block, N., Dronkers, N.F., Miller, B., Henry, R. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Frontal white matter tracts sustaining speech production in Primary Progressive Aphasia. Journal of Neuroscience, 2014, 34(29),9754 –9767.
- Caso, F., Mandelli, M. L., Henry, M., Gesierich, B., Bettcher, B. M., Ogar, J., Filippi, M., Comi, G., Magnani, G., Sidhu, M., Trojanowski, J. Q., Huang, E. J., Grinberg, L. T., Miller, B. L., Dronkers, N., Seeley, W. W. & Gorno-Tempini, M. L. In vivo signatures of nonfluent/agrammatic primary progressive aphasia caused by FTLD pathology. Neurology, 2014, 82, 239-47.
- Ries, S. K., Xie, K., Haaland, K. Y., Dronkers, N. F. & Knight, R. T. Role of the lateral prefrontal cortex in speech monitoring. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2013, 7, Article 703, 1-16.
- Baldo, J.V., Arévalo, A., Patterson, J.P. & Dronkers, N.F. Grey and white matter correlates of picture naming: Evidence from a voxel-based lesion analysis of the Boston Naming Test. Cortex, 2013, 49(3), 658-667.
- Arévalo, A.L., Baldo, J.V. & Dronkers NF. What do brain lesions tell us about theories of embodied semantics and the human mirror neuron system? Cortex, 2012, 48(2), 242-254.
- Baldo, J.V., Katseff, S. & Dronkers,N.F. Brain regions underlying repetition and auditory-verbal short-term memory deficits in aphasia: Evidence from voxel- based lesion symptom mapping, Aphasiology, 2012, 26, 338-354.
- Vitali, P., Dronkers, N.F., Pincherle, A., Giovagnoli, A.R., Marras, C., D’Incerti, L., Ghielmetti, F., Spreafico, R. & Villani, F. Accuracy of pre-surgical fMRI confirmed by subsequent crossed aphasia. Neurological Sciences, 2011, 32(1), 175-80.
- Paluy, Y., Gilbert, A.L., Baldo, J.V., Dronkers, N.F. & Ivry, R.B. Aphasic patients exhibit a reversal of hemispheric asymmetries in categorical color discrimination. Brain and Language, 2011, 116(3), 151-156.
- Ogar, J.M., Baldo, J.V., Wilson, S.M., Brambati, S.M., Miller, B.L., Dronkers, N.F. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Semantic dementia and persisting Wernicke’s aphasia: linguistic and anatomical profiles. Brain and Language, 2011, 117(1), 28-33.
- Justus, T., Larsen, J., Yang, J., de Mornay Davies P., Dronkers, N.F & Swick, D. The role of Broca’s area in regular past-tense morphology: an event-related potential study. Neuropsychologia, 2011, 49(1), 1-18.
- Gorno-Tempini, M.L., Hillis, A.E., Weintraub, S., Kertesz, A., Mendez, M., Cappa, S.F., Ogar, J.M., Rohrer, J.D., Black, S., Boeve, B.F., Manes, F., Dronkers, N.F., Vandenberghe, R., Rascovsky, K., Patterson, K., Miller, B.L., Knopman, D.S., Hodges, J.R., Mesulam, M.M. & Grossman, M. Classification of primary progressive aphasia and its variants. Neurology, 2011, 76(11), 1006-14.
- Galantucci, S., Tartaglia, M.C., Wilson, S.M., Henry, M.L., Filippi, M., Agosta, F., Dronkers, N.F., Henry, R.G., Ogar, J.M., Miller, B.L. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. White matter damage in primary progressive aphasias: a diffusion tensor tractography study. Brain, 2011, 134(10), 3011-3029.
- Buchsbaum, B.R., Baldo, J., Okada, K., Berman, K.F., Dronkers, N.F., D’Esposito, M. & Hickok, G. Conduction aphasia, sensory-motor integration, and phonological short-term memory – An aggregate analysis of lesion and fMRI data. Brain and Language, 2011, 119(3), 119-128.
- Baldo, J.V., Wilkins, D.P., Ogar, J., Willock, S., & Dronkers, N.F. Role of the precentral gyrus of the insula in complex articulation. Cortex, 2011, 47(7), 800-807.
- Arévalo, A.L., Lu, C.C., Huang, L.B., Bates, E.A. & Dronkers N.F. Action and object processing in brain-injured speakers of Chinese.Neuropsychology, 2011, 25(6), 792-805.
- Turken, A.U. & Dronkers, N.F. The neural architecture of the language comprehension network: converging evidence from lesion and connectivity analyses. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 2011, 5, 1-20.
- Baldo, J.V., Schwartz, S., Wilkins, D.P. & Dronkers,N.F. Double dissociation of letter and category fluency following left frontal and temporal lobe lesions. Aphasiology, 2010, 24(12), 1593-1604.
- Wilson, S.M., Dronkers, N.F., Ogar, J.M., Jang, J., Growdon, M.E., Agosta, F., Henry, M.L., Miller, B.L. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Neural correlates of syntactic processing in the nonfluent variant of primary progressive aphasia. Journal of Neuroscience, 2010, 30, 16845-16854.
- Wilson, S.M., Henry, M.L., Besbris, M., Ogar, J.M., Dronkers, N.F., Jarrold, W., Miller, B.L. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Connected speech production in three variants of primary progressive aphasia. Brain, 2010, 133, 2069-2088.
- Baldo, J.V., Bunge, S.A., Wilson, S.M. & Dronkers, N.F. Is relational reasoning dependent on language? A voxel-based lesion symptom mapping study. Brain and Language, 2010, 113, 59-64.
- Agosta, F., Henry, R. G., Migliaccio, R., Neuhaus, J., Miller, B. L., Dronkers, N. F., Brambati, S. M., Filippi, M., Ogar, J. M., Wilson, S. M. & Gorno-Tempini, M. L. Language networks in semantic dementia. Brain, 2010, 133, 286-299.
- Baldo, J. V., Arevalo, A., Wilkins, D. P. & Dronkers, N. Voxel-based lesion analysis of category specific naming on the Boston Naming Test. CRL Technical Report, 2009, 21(2).
- Rabinovici, G.D., Jagust, W.J., Furst, A.J., Ogar, J.M., Racine, C.A., Mormino, E.C., O’Neil, J.P., Lal, R.A., Dronkers, N.F., Miller, B.L. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Aß amyloid & glucose metabolism in three variants of primary progressive aphasia. Annals of Neurology, 2008, 64(4), 388-401.
- Gorno-Tempini, M.L., Brambati, S.M., Ginex, V., Ogar, J., Dronkers, N.F., Marcone, A., Perani, D., Garibotto, V., Cappa, S.F. & Miller, B.L. The logopenic/phonological variant of primary progressive aphasia. Neurology, 2008, 71(16), 1227-1234.
- Turken, A.U., Whitfield-Gabrieli, S., Bammer, R., Baldo, J.V., Dronkers, N.F. & Gabrieli, J.D.E. Cognitive processing speed and the structure of white matter pathways: convergent evidence from normal variation and lesion studies. Neuroimage, 2008, 42(2), 1032-1044.
- Baldo, J.V., Klostermann, E.C. & Dronkers, N.F. It’s either a cook or a baker: Patients with conduction aphasia get the gist but lose the trace. Brain and Language, 2008, 105(2), 134-140.
- Ogar, J., Dronkers, N.F., Brambati, S.M., Miller, B.L. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Progressive nonfluent aphasia and its characteristic motor speech deficits. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 2007, 21(4), S23-30.
- Amici, S., Ogar, J., Brambati, S.M., Miller, B.L., Neuhaus, J., Dronkers, N.F. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Performance in specific language tasks correlates with regional volume changes in progressive aphasia. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 2007, 20(4), 203-211.
- Canolty, R.T., Soltani, M., Dalal, S.S., Edwards, E., Dronkers, N.F., Nagarajan, S.S., Kirsch, H., Barbaro, N. & Knight, R.T. Spatiotemporal dynamics of word processing in the human brain. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2007, 1(1), 185-196.
- Amici, S., Brambati, S.M., Wilkins, D., Ogar, J., Dronkers,N.F., Miller, B.L., & Gorno-Tempini,M.L. Anatomical correlates of sentence comprehension and verbal working memory in neurodegenerative disease, Journal of Neuroscience, 2007, 27(23), 6282-6290.
- Borovsky, A., Saygin, A.P., Bates E. & Dronkers, N.F. Lesion correlations of conversational speech production deficits, Neuropsychologia, 2007, 45(11), 2525-2533.
- Dronkers, N.F., Plaisant, O., Iba-Zizen, M.T. & Cabanis, E.A.PaulBroca’s historic cases: High resolution MR imaging of the brains of Leborgne and Lelong. Brain, 2007, 130, 1432-1441.
- Arevalo, A. L., Perani, D., Cappa, S.F., Butler, A., Bates, E. & Dronkers, N.F. Action and object processing in aphasia: from nouns and verbs to the effect of manipulability. Brain and Language, 2007, 100(1), 79-94.
- Baldo, J. & Dronkers, N.F. Neural correlates of arithmetic and language comprehension: A common substrate? Neuropsychologia, 2007, 45(2), 229-235.
- Rosen, H.J., Allison, S.C., Ogar, J.M., Amici, S., Rose, K., Dronkers, N.F., Miller, B.L. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Behavioral features in semantic dementia vs other forms of progressive aphasias. Neurology, 2006, 67(10), 1752-1756.
- Amici, S., Gorno-Tempini, M.L., Ogar, J.M., Dronkers, N.F. & Miller, B.L. An overview on primary progressive aphasia and its variants. Behavioral Neurology, 2006, 17(2), 77-87.
- Gorno-Tempini, M. L., Ogar, J., Brambati, S. M., Wang, P., Jeong, J. H., Rankin, K. P., Dronkers, N.F. & Miller, B.L. Anatomical correlates of early mutism in progressive nonfluent aphasia. Neurology, 2006, 67(10), 1849-1851.
- Baldo, J., Schwartz, S., Wilkins, D., & Dronkers, N.F. Role of frontal versus temporal cortex in verbal fluency as revealed by voxel-based lesion symptom mapping. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 2006, 12(6), 896-900.
- Baldo, J.V. & Dronkers, N.F. The role of inferior frontal and inferior parietal cortex in working memory. Neuropsychology, 2006, 20(5), 529-538.
- Ogar, J., Willock, S., Baldo, J., Wilkins, D., Ludy, C. & Dronkers, N. Clinical and anatomical correlates of apraxia of speech and language. Brain and Language, 2006, 97(3), 343-350.
- Moineau, S., Dronkers, N.F. & Bates., E.A. Exploring the processing continuum of single word comprehension in aphasia. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2005, 48(4), 884-896.
- Ogar, J., Slama, H., Dronkers, N.F., Amici, S. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Apraxia of speech: an overview. Neurocase, 2005, 11(6), 427-431.
- Baldo, J.V., Dronkers, N.F., Wilkins, D.P., Ludy, C., Raskin, P., & Kim, J. Is problem solving dependent on language? Brain and Language, 2005, 92(3), 240-250.
- Dronkers, N.F. & Ogar, J. Brain areas involved in speech production (invited editorial). Brain, 2004, 127, 1461-1462.
- Gorno-Tempini, M.L., Dronkers, N.F., Rankin, K.P., Ogar, J.M., Phenegrasamy, L., Rosen, H.J., Johnson, J.K., Weiner, M.W., Miller, B.L. Cognition and anatomy in three variants of primary progressive aphasia. Annals of Neurology, 2004, 55(3), 335-346.
- Saygin, A.P., Wilson, S.M., Dronkers, N.F. & Bates, E. (2004). Action comprehension in aphasia: linguistic and non-linguistic deficits and their lesion correlates. Neuropsychologia, 2004, 42, 1788-1804.
- Dronkers, N.F., Wilkins, D.P., Van Valin, R.D. Jr., Redfern, B.B. & Jaeger, J.J. Lesion analysis of the brain areas involved in language comprehension. Cognition, 2004 92,145-177.
- Bates, E., Wilson, S.M., Saygin, A.P., Dick, F., Sereno, M., Knight, R.T. & Dronkers, N.F. Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping. Nature Neuroscience, 2003, 6(5), 448-450.
- Saygin, A.P., Dick, F., Wilson, S.W., Dronkers, N.F., Bates, E.A. Neural resources for processing language and environmental sounds: evidence from aphasia. Brain, 2003, 126(4), 928-945.
- Watkins, K.E., Dronkers, N.F., Vargha-Khadem, F. Behavioral analysis of an inherited speech and language disorder: comparison with acquired aphasia. Brain, 2002, 125(3), 452-464.
- Bates, E., Reilly, J., Wulfeck, B., Dronkers, N.F., Opie, M., Fenson, J., Kriz, S., Jeffries, R., Miller, L., & Herbst, K. Differential effects of unilateral lesions on language production in children and adults. Brain and Language, 2001, 79, 223-265.
- Dick, F., Bates, E., Wulfeck, B., Utman, J., Dronkers, N.F., & Gernsbacher, M. Language deficits, localization and grammar: Evidence for a distributive model of language breakdown in aphasics and normals. Psychological Review, 2001, 108(4), 759-788.
- Walker-Batson, D., Curtis, S., Natarajan, R., Ford, J., Dronkers, N.F., Salmeron, E., Lai, J. & Unwin, D.H. A double-blind placebo-controlled study of the use of amphetamine in the treatment of aphasia. Stroke, 2001, 32(9), 2093-2098.
- Dronkers, N.F. The gratuitous relationship between Broca’s aphasia and Broca’s area. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2000, 30-31.
- Dronkers, N.F. The pursuit of brain-language relationships. Brain and Language, 2000, 71(1), 59-61.
- Dronkers, N.F., Ludy, C.A. & Redfern, B.B. Pragmatics in the absence of verbal language: Descriptions of a severe aphasic and a linguistically feral adult. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 1998, 11(1-2), 179-190.
- Dronkers, N.F. A new brain region for speech: The insula and articulatory planning. Nature, 1996, 384, 159-161.
- Wertz, R.T. & Dronkers, N.F. PICA performance following left and right hemisphere brain damage: Influence of side and severity. Clinical Aphasiology, 1994, 22, 157-164.
- Friedland, R.P., Koss, E., Lerner, A., Hedera, P., Ellis, W., Dronkers, N., Ober, B.A. & Jagust, W.J. Functional imaging, the frontal lobes, and dementia. Dementia, 1993, 4, 192-203.
- Henik, A., Dronkers, N.F., Knight, R.T. & Osimani, A. Differential effects of semantic and identity priming in patients with left and right hemisphere lesions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1993, 5(1), 45-55.
- Elman, R.J., Klatzky, R.L., Dronkers, N.F. & Wertz, R.T. Phonologic priming and picture naming in aphasic and normal subjects. Clinical Aphasiology, 1993, 21, 255-262.
- Wertz, R.T., Dronkers, N.F. & Hume, J.L. PICA intrasubtest variability (PMD) and prognosis for improvement in aphasia. Clinical Aphasiology, 1993, 21, 207-211.
- Wertz, R.T., Dronkers, N.F., Bernstein-Ellis, E.G., Sterling, L.R., Shubitowski, Y., Elman, R.J., Shenaut, G.K., Knight, R.T. & Deal, J.L. The potential of telephonic and television technology for appraising and diagnosing neurogenic communication disorders in remote settings. Aphasiology, 1992, 6, 195-202.
- Dronkers, N.F. & Swain, B.E. Statistical power in aphasia research. Clinical Aphasiology, 1991, 19, 15-19.
- Wertz, R.T. & Dronkers, N.F. Effects of age on aphasia. ASHA Report 19: Proceedings of the Research Symposium on Communication Sciences and Disorders and Aging, 1990, 88-98.
- Wertz, R.T., Dronkers, N.F., Shenaut, G.K. & Knight, R.T. Neurogenic communication disorders in remote settings. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 1990, 28(1), 364-365.
- Dronkers, N.F. & Knight, R.F. Right-sided neglect in a left-hander: Evidence for reversed hemispheric specialization for attention capacity. Neuropsychologia, 1989, 27(5), 729-736.
- Wertz, R.T., Dronkers, N.F., Knight, R.T., Shenaut, G.K. & Deal, J.L. Rehabilitation of neurogenic communication disorders in remote settings. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 1988, 26(1), 350-351.
- Wertz, R.T., Dronkers, N.F., Knight, R.T., Shenaut, G.K. & Deal, J.L. Rehabilitation of neurogenic communication disorders in remote settings.Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 1987, 25(1), 446-447.
- Dronkers, N.F. Crossed aphasia. Clinical Aphasiology, 1987, 17, 339-348.
- Wertz, R.T., Dronkers, N.F., Bernstein-Ellis, E., Shubitowski, Y., Elman, R., Shenaut, G.K. & Knight, R.T. Appraisal and diagnosis of neurogenic communication disorders in remote settings. Clinical Aphasiology, 1987, 17, 117-123.
- Hardyck, C., Dronkers, N.F., Chiarello, C. & Simpson, G. On preaching the commandments of proper research: A rejoinder. Brain and Cognition, 1987, 6, 238-242.
- Wertz, R.T., Dronkers, N.F. & Shubitowski, Y. Discriminant function analysis of performance by normals and left hemisphere, right hemisphere, and bilaterally brain damaged patients on a word fluency measure. Clinical Aphasiology, 1986, 16, 257-266.
- Ober, B.A., Dronkers, N.F., Koss, E., Delis, D. & Friedland, R.F. Retrieval from semantic memory in Alzheimer-type dementia. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 1986, 8(1), 75-92.
- Wertz, R.T., Dronkers, N.F. & Deal, J.L. Language and localization: A comparison of left, right and bilaterally brain-damaged patients. Clinical Aphasiology, 1985, 15, 141-148.
- Bernstein-Ellis, E., Wertz, R.T., Dronkers, N.F. & Milton, S.B. PICA performance by traumatically brain-injured and left hemisphere CVA patients. Clinical Aphasiology, 1985, 15, 97-106.
- Hardyck, C., Dronkers, N.F., Chiarello, C. & Simpson, G. The ‘eyes’ have it: Exposure times and saccadic movements in visual half-field experiments. Brain and Cognition, 1985, 4(4), 430-439.
- Hardyck, C., Chiarello, C., Dronkers, N.F. & Simpson, G.V. Orienting attention within visual fields: how efficient is interhemispheric transfer. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1985, 11(5), 650-666.
- Chiarello, C., Dronkers, N.F. & Hardyck, C. Choosing sides: Some questions concerning the apparent instability of language lateralization in normal populations. Neuropsychologia, 1984, 22(3), 363-373.
- Rohwer, W.D., Rabinowitz, M. & Dronkers, N.F. Event knowledge, elaborative propensity, and the development of learning proficiency. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 1982, 33, 492-503
- Fan, J. M., Gorno-Tempini, M. L., Dronkers, N. F., Miller, B. L., Berger, M. S., & Chang, E. F. Data-driven, visual framework for the characterization of aphasias across stroke, post-resective, and neurodegenerative disorders over time. Frontiers in Neurology, 2020, 11:616764.
- Ries, S. K., Schendel, K. L., Herron, T. J., Dronkers, N. F., Baldo, J. V. & Turken, A. U. Neural underpinnings of proactive interference in working memory: Evidence from patients with unilateral lesions. Frontiers in Neurology, 2021, 12, 607273.
- Ivanova, M. V., Herron, T. J., Dronkers, N. F. & Baldo, J. V. An empirical comparison of univariate versus multivariate methods for the analysis of brainbehavior mapping. Human Brain Mapping, 2021, 42(4), 1070–1101.
- Schendel, K., Herron, T. J., Curran, B., Dronkers, N. F., Ivanova, M. & Baldo, J. Case study: A selective tactile naming deficit for letters and numbers due to interhemispheric disconnection. NeuroImage Clinical, 2021, 30;102614.
- Lukic, S., Borghesani, V., Weis, E., Welch, A., Bogley, R., Neuhaus, J., Deleon, J., Miller, Z., Kramer J.H., Miller, B.L., Dronkers, N.F. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Dissociating nouns and verbs in temporal and perisylvian networks: Evidence from neurodegenerative diseases. Cortex, 2021, 142, 47-61.
- Ivanova, M.V., Zhong, A., Turken, A., Baldo, J.V. & Dronkers, N.F. Functional contributions of the arcuate fasciculus to language processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2021, 15:672665.
- Llorens, A., Tzovara, A., Bellier, L., Bhaya-Grossman, I., Bidet-Caulet, A., Chang, W.K., Cross, Z.R., Dominguez-Faus, R., Flinker, A., Fonken, Y., Gorenstein, M., Holdgraf, C., Hoy, C.W., Ivanova, M.V., Jimenez, R.T., Jun, S., Kam, J.W.Y., Kidd, C., Marcelle, E., Marciano, D., Martin, S., Myers, N.E., Ojala, K., Perry, A., Pinheiro-Chagas, P., Riès, S.K., Saez, I., Skelin, I., Slama, K., Staveland, B., Bassett, D.S., Buffalo, E.A., Fairhall, A.L., Kopell, N.J., Kray, L.J., Lin, J.J., Nobre, A.C., Riley, D., Solbakk, A.K., Wallis, J.D., Wang, X.J., Yuval-Greenberg, S., Kastner, S., Knight, R.T. & Dronkers, N.F. Gender bias in academia: A lifetime problem that needs solutions. Neuron, 2021, 109(13):2047-2074.
- Lwi, S.J., Herron, T.J., Curran, B.C., Ivanova, M.V., Schendel, K., Dronkers, N.F. & Baldo, J.V. Auditory comprehension deficits in post-stroke aphasia: Neurologic and demographic correlates of outcome and recovery. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2021, 12:680248.
- Borghesani, V., Wang, C., Miller, C., Mandelli, M.L., Shapiro, K., Miller, Z., Fox, C., Dronkers, N.F. , Gorno-Tempini, M.L. & Watson, C. The resilience of the developing reading system: Multi-model evidence of incident and recovery after a pediatric stroke. Neurocase, 2021, 10, 1-11.
- Ivanova, M.V. & Dronkers, N.F. Aphasia: How our language system can “break”. Frontiers for Young Minds, 2022, 10:626477.
- Tee, B.L., Li-Ying, L.K-C., Chen, T.F., Yan, C.T.Y, Tsoh, J.M.Y., Chan, A.L-T., Wong,A., Lo,R.Y., Lu, C.L., Wang, P.N., Lee, Y.C., Yang, G.F-P, Battistella, G., Allen, I.E., Dronkers, N.F., Miller, B.L. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Dysgraphia phenotypes in Chinese language users with primary progressive aphasia. Neurology, 2022, May 31;98(22).
- Zhong, A.J., Baldo, J.V., Dronkers, N.F. & Ivanova, M.V. The unique role of the frontal aslant tract in speech and language processing. NeuroImage: Clinical, 2022, 34, 103020, 1-11.
- Howe, E. S., Shdo, S. M., Elliott, M. V., Hua, A. Y., Tang, N. M., Dronkers, N. F. & Levenson, R. W. (2023). Design and implementation of a clinical science specialty clinic for adults with neurological disorders and their caregivers. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 17(3), 277–287.
- De Leon, J., Grasso, S., Allen, I., Escueta, D., Vega, Y., Eshghavi, M., Watson, C., Dronkers, N.F, Gorno-Tempini, M.L. & Henry, M. Examining the relation between bilingualism and age of symptom onset in frontotemporal dementia. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2023, 1-13
- Ivanova, M.V., Pappas, I., Inglis, B., Pracar, A., Herron T., Baldo J., Kayser, A., D’Esposito, M. & Dronkers, N.F. Cerebral perfusion in post-stroke aphasia and its relation to residual language abilities. Brain Communications, in press.
- Pracar, A.L., Ivanova, M.V., Richardson, A. & Dronkers, N.F. A case of pure apraxia of speech after left hemisphere stroke: behavioral findings and neural correlates, Frontiers in Neurology, 2023, Jul 27;14:1187399.
- Lorca-Puls, D.L., Gajardo-Vidal, A., Mandelli, M.L., Illán‑Gala, I., Ezzes, Z., …. Dronkers, N.F. & Gorno-Tempini, M.L. Neural basis of speech and grammar symptoms in nonfluent variant primary progressive aphasia spectrum. Brain, in press.
- Menn, L. & Dronkers, N.F. Psycholinguistics: Introduction and Applications, Second edition. San Diego: Plural Publishing Inc., 2016.
Invited Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Entries
- Dronkers, N.F., Yamasaki, Y., Ross, G.W. & White, L. Assessment of bilinguality in aphasia: Issues and examples from multicultural Hawai’i. In Paradis, M. (Ed.), Aspects of Bilingual Aphasia, Pergamon Press, 1995, 57-65.
- Dronkers, N.F. & Ludy, C.A. Brain lesion analysis in clinical research. In Stemmerer, B. and Whitaker, H. (Eds.) Handbook of Neurolinguistics, San Diego: Singular Press, 1997, 173-187.
- Dronkers, N.F., Ludy, C.A. & Redfern, B.B. Pragmatics in the absence of verbal language: Descriptions of a severe aphasic and a linguistically feral adult. In Paradis, M. (Ed.), Pragmatics in Neurogenic Communication Disorders, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1998, 179-190.
- Dronkers, N.F. The neural basis of language. In R. Wilson & F. Keil (Eds.), The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999, 448-451.
- Dronkers, N.F., Redfern, B.B. & Knight, R.T. The neural architecture of language disorders. In M.S. Gazzaniga (Ed.), The New Cognitive Neurosciences, Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2000, 949-958.
- Dronkers, N.F., Pinker, S. & Damasio, A. Language and the aphasias. In Kandel, E.R., Schwartz, J. & Jessell, T. (Eds.), Principles in Neural Science, 4th edition, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000, pgs. 1169-1187.
- Dronkers, N.F. & Larsen, J.L. Neuroanatomy of the classical syndromes of aphasia. In Boller, F. & Grafman, J. (Eds.) Handbook of Neuropsychology, 2nd edition, New York: Elsevier Science, 2001, 19-30.
- Dronkers, N.F. & Baldo, J. Speech production, neural basis of. In N.J. Smelser and P.B. Baltes (Eds.), R.F. Thompson and J.L. McClelland (Section Eds.) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2001, pgs. 14875-14879.
- Dronkers, N.F. & Berndt, R. Aphasia. In W.J. Frawley (Ed.) Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Oxford University Press, 2003.
- Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, San Diego, California: Academic Press, 2003.
- Wertz, R.T., Dronkers N.F. & Ogar, J. Aphasia: The classical syndromes. In R.D. Kent (Ed.), MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2003, 249-252.
- Dick, F., Dronkers, N., Pizzamiglio, L., Saygin, A.P., Small, S.L., & Wilson, S. Language and the brain. In M. Tomasello & D.I. Slobin, (Eds.) Beyond Nature-Nurture: Essays in honor of Elizabeth Bates. New Jersey: Erlbaum, 2005, pgs. 237-260.
- Dronkers, N.F. & Baldo, J.V. Language: Aphasia. In L.R. Squire (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009, vol. 5: 343-348.
- Dronkers, N.F. & Ogar, J. Aphasia. In P.C. Hogan (Ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 103-105.
- Dronkers, N.F. & Baldo, J.V. Broca’s area. In P.C. Hogan (Ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 139-142.
- Baldo, J.V., Wilson, S.M. & Dronkers, N.F. Uncovering the neural substrate of language: A voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping approach. In M. Faust, (Ed.), Handbook of the Neuropsychology of Language, vol. 1&2, Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, 582-594.
- Dronkers, N.F. & Ogar, J. Aphasia. In M.J. Aminoff and R.B. Daroff (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, 2nd edition, Elsevier, 2014, 244–247.
- Baldo, J.V. & Dronkers, N.F. Speech production, neural basis of. In J.D. Wright (Editor-in-Chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, 2nd edition, 2015, 250-254.
- Baldo, J. & Dronkers, NF. Broca’s and Wernicke’s Aphasia. In T.K. Shackelford & V.A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer, 2016, online.
- Baldo, J.V. & Dronkers, N.F. Lesion Studies. In A. deGroot, & P. Hagoort (Eds.), Research Methods in Psycholinguistics, Wiley-Blackwell, 2017, 309-328.
- Baldo, J.V., Ivanova, M.V., Herron, T.J., Wilson, S.M. & Dronkers, N.F. Voxel-based lesion symptom mapping. In Pustina, D. & Mirman, D. Lesion-to-Symptom Mapping: Principles and Tools, 2022,( Neuromethods, vol 180), Springer, New York, NY
- Dronkers, N.F. & Ivanova, M.V. The neuroscience of language and aphasia. In Brown, G.G., King, T.Z., Haaland, K.Y. & Crosson, B. (Eds.), APA Handbook of Neuropsychology, Vol. 2, 2023, 139-158.