Journal Articles (* denotes key publications)
- Anderson V., Kakuske, K., Thompson, C., & Ivanova, M.V. (under
review). Pilot study of a high-intensity interval training program in older adults: Safety, feasibility, functional fitness and cognitive effects. - Biondo, N., Ivanova, M.V., Pracar, A.L., Baldo, J.V., & Dronkers, N.F.
(under review). Mapping sentence comprehension and syntactic
complexity: Evidence from 131 post-stroke survivors. - Buivolova, O.V., Ivanova, M.V., Akinina, Yu.S., Soloukhina, O.A., &
Dragoy, O. (under review). Grey matter structures and white matter
pathways critical for language comprehension, production, and
repetition. - Kuptsova, S.V., Nikolsky, O.V., Zinchenko, V., Petrushevskii, A.G., Dragoy,
O., & Ivanova M.V. (under review). Different naming errors
in participants with aphasia are associated with unique connectivity
patterns between language regions: A resting-state functional MRI study. - *Ivanova, M.V., Pappas, I., Inglis, B., Pracar, A., Herron T., Baldo J.,
Kayser, A., D’Esposito, M., & Dronkers, N.F. (2024) Cerebral perfusion in
post-stroke aphasia and its relationship to residual language abilities.
Brain Communications, 6, 1-17. doi:10.1093/braincomms/fcad252 - *Ivanova, M.V., & Pappas, I. (2023). Understanding recovery of
language after stroke: Insights from neurovascular MRI studies. Frontiers in Language Sciences, 2:1163547. doi:10.3389/flang.2023.1163547 - Pracar, A.L., Ivanova, M.V., Richardson, A., & Dronkers N.F. (2023). A
case of pure apraxia of speech after left hemisphere stroke: Behavioral findings and neural correlates. Frontiers in Neurology, 14:1187399. doi:10.3389/fneur.2023.1187399 - Kuptsova, S., Dragoy, O., & Ivanova M.V. (2023). Switching attention
deficits in post-stroke individuals with different aphasia types.
Aphasiology, 37(2), 260-287. doi:10.1080/02687038.2021.2002804 - Zhong, A., Dronkers, N.F, & Ivanova, M.V. (2022). The unique roles of
the frontal aslant tract in language processing. NeuroImage: Clinical, 34, 103020, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2022.103020 - Zyryanov, A., Stupina, E., Gordeyeva, E., Buivolova, O., Novozhilova, E.,
Akinina, Yu., … Ivanova, M.V., Dragoy, O. (2022). ‘Moderate global
aphasia’: A generalized decline of language processing caused by glioma surgery but not stroke. Brain and Language, 224, 105057.
doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2021.105057 - Ivanova, M.V., & Dronkers, N.F. (2022). Aphasia: How our language system can “break”. Frontiers for Young Minds, 10:626477. doi:10.3389/frym.2022.626477
- *Ivanova, M.V., Zhong, A., Turken, A., Baldo, J.V. & Dronkers, N.F. (2021). Functional contributions of the arcuate fasciculus to language. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15: 672665. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2021.672665.
- *Ivanova, M.V., Herron, T.J., Dronkers, N.F., & Baldo, J.V. (2021). An empirical comparison of univariate versus multivariate methods for the analysis of brain-behavior mapping. Human Brain Mapping, 42, 1070-1101. doi:10.1002/hbm.25278
- *Ivanova, M.V., Akinina, Yu.S., Soloukhina, O.A., Iskra, E.V., Buivolova, O.V., Charbazcz, A.V., Stupina, E.A., Khudyakova M.V., Akhutina, T.V., & Dragoy, O. (2021). The Russian Aphasia Test: The first comprehensive, quantitative, standardized, and computerized aphasia language battery in Russian. PLOS One, 16(11), 1–26. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0258946
- Llorens, A., Tzovara, A., Bellier, L., Bhaya-Grossman, I., Bidet-Caulet, A., Chang, W.K., Cross, Z.R., Dominguez-Faus, R., Flinker, A., Fonken, Y., Gorenstein, M., Holdgraf, C., Hoy, C.W., Ivanova, M.V., Jimenez, R.T., Jun, S., Kam, J.W.Y., Kidd, C., Marcelle, E., … Dronkers, N.F. (2021). Gender bias in academia: A lifetime problem that needs solutions. Neuron, 109, 2047-74. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2021.06.002
- *Ivanova M.V., Malyutina, S., & Dragoy, O. (2021) Advancing neurolinguistics in Russia: Experience and implications of building experimental research and evidence-based practices. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 702038. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.702038 17.
- Lwi, S.J., Herron, T.J., Curran, B.C., Ivanova, M.V., Schendel, K., Dronkers, N.F., & Baldo, J.V. (2021). Auditory comprehension deficits in post-stroke aphasia: Neurologic and demographic correlates of outcome and recovery. Frontiers in Neurology, 12: 680248. doi:10.3389/fneur.2021.680248
- Schendel, K., Herron, T.J., Curran, B., Dronkers, N.F., Ivanova, M.V., & Baldo, J.V. (2021). Case study: A selective tactile naming deficit due to interhemispheric disconnection. NeuroImage: Clinical, 30, 102614. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102614.
- Akinina, Yu.S., Dragoy, O.V., Ivanova, M.V., Iskra, E.V., Petryshevskii, А.G, Fedinа, О.N., Turken, A., Shklovsky, V.M., & Dronkers, N.F. (2019). Grey and white matter substrates of action naming. Neuropsychologia, 23, 249-265. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2019.05.015.
- *Ivanova, M.V., Dragoy, O.V., Kuptsova, S.V., Akinina, Yu.S., Petryshevskii, А.G, Fedinа, О.N., Turken, A., Shklovsky, V.M., & Dronkers, N.F. (2018). Data from two different working memory tasks reveal distinct neural basis of verbal working memory: A VLSM study. Neuropsychologia, 115, 25-41. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2018.03.003.
- Soloukhina, O.A., & Ivanova, M.V. (2018). Investigating comprehension of nouns and verbs: is there a difference? Aphasiology, 32, 183-203.
- Dronkers, N.F., Ivanova, M.V., & Baldo, J.V. (2017). What do language disorders reveal about the brain? From classic models to network approaches. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 23, 741-754. doi:10.1017/S1355617717001126.
- Heuer, S., Ivanova, M.V., & Hallowell, B. (2017). More than the verbal stimulus matters: Visual attention in language assessment for people with aphasia using multiple-choice image displays. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, 1348-1361. doi:10.1044/2017_JSLHR-L-16-0087.
- Ivanova, M. V., Kuptsova, S. V., & Dronkers, N. F. (2017). A comparison of two working memory tasks in aphasia. Aphasiology, 31, 265-281. doi:10.1080/02687038.2016.1172699
- *Ivanova, M. V., Isaev, D. Yu, Dragoy, O. V., Akinina, Yu. S., Petrushevsky, A. G., Fedina, O. N., Shklovsky, V.M., & Dronkers, D. F. (2016). Diffusion-tensor imaging of major white matter tracts and their role in language processing in aphasia. Cortex, 85, 165-181. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2016.04.019 (more than 160 citations)
- Malyutina, S., Dragoy, O., Ivanova, M., Laurinavichyute, A., Petrushevsky, A., Meindl, T., Pöppel, E., Gutyrchik, E. (2016). Fishing is not wrestling: Neural underpinnings of the verb instrumentality effect. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 40, 37–54.
- Kuptsova, S.V., Ivanova, M.V., Petrushevsky, A.G., Fedina, O.N., Zhavoronkova, L.A. (2016). Sex- and age- related characteristics of brain functioning during task switching (fMRI study). [in Russian] Human Physiology, 42(4), 361-370.
- Soloukhina. O., Ivanova, M., Akinina, Y., Akhutina, T., Dragoy, O. (2015). Development and standardization of a test for the comprehension of nouns and verbs in Russian: Data from individuals with and without aphasia. The Russian Journal of Cognitive Science, 2(2-3), 14-21.
- Akinina, Y., Malyutina, S., Ivanova, M.V., Iskra, E., Mannova, E., & Dragoy, O. (2015). Russian normative data for 375 action pictures and verbs. Behavior Research Methods, 47, 691-707. doi:10.3758/s13428- 014-0492-9
- *Ivanova, M.V., Kuptsova, S.V., Dragoy, O.V., Ulicheva, A.S., & Laurinavichyute, A.K. (2015). The contribution of working memory to language comprehension: Differential effect of aphasia type. Aphasiology, 29, 645-664. doi:10.1080/02687038.2014.975182
- Kuptsova, S.V., Vlasova, R.M., Dragoy, O.V., Ivanova, M.V., Malyutina, S.A., Petrushevskii, G.A., Fedina, O.N., Gutyrchik, E.F. (2015). Features of the reorganization of the language brain areas in patients with different forms of aphasia. [in Russian] Proceedings of VSU. Series: Linguistics and intercultural communication, 4, 74-81.
- Kuptsova, S.V., Ivanova, M.V., Petrushevsky, A.G., Fedina, O.N., Zhavoronkova, L.A. (2015). Sex related differences in task switching: An fMRI study. [in Russian] Human Physiology, 41(6), 49–64.
- Kuptsova, S.V., Ivanova, M.V., Petrushevsky, A.G., Fedina, O.N., Zhavoronkova, L.A. (2015). FMRI study of visual task switching in healthy individuals. [in Russian] Journal of Higher Neural Processing of I.P. Pavlov, 65(1), 61-71.
- Laurinavichyute, A.K., Dragoy O.V., Ivanova M.V., Kuptsova S.V., & Ulicheva, A.S. (2015). Psychological unreality of syntactic traces. [in Russian] Questions in language studies, 1, 102-110.
- Laurinavichyute, A.K., Ulicheva, A.S., Ivanova, M.V., Kuptsova S.V., & Dragoy, O.V. (2014). Processing lexical ambiguity in sentential context: Eye-tracking data from brain-damaged and non-brain-damaged individuals. Neuropsychologia, 64, 360-373. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2014.09.040.
- Ivanova, M.V., & Hallowell, B. (2014). Controlling linguistic complexity and length to enhance validity of working memory assessment: A new modified listening span task for people with and without aphasia. Journal of Communication Disorders, 52, 78-98. doi:10.1016/j.jcomdis.2014.06.001
- Kuptsova S.V., Ivanova, M.V., Dragoy, O.V., Petrova, L.V., Ponomareva, A., Ulicheva, A.S., & Laurinavichyute, A.K. (2014). Characteristics of impairments of focused attention in patients with different types of aphasia. [in Russian] Psychological studies, 7(34), 4.
- Mikadze, Y.V., Kozintseva, E.G., Skvortsov, A.A., Vlasova, A.V., & Ivanova, M.V. (2014). Effectiveness of different writing tasks performance in patients with sensory agraphia. [in Russian] Psychological studies, 7(33).
- *Ivanova, M.V., & Hallowell, B. (2013). A tutorial on aphasia test development in any language: Key substantive and psychometric considerations. Aphasiology, 27, 891-920. doi:10.1080/02687038.2013.805728 (more than 80 citations)
- Ulicheva, A.S., Dragoy O.V., Ivanova M.V., & Kuptsova S.V. (2012). Lexical access in healthy controls and in aphasia: eye-tracking data. [in Russian] Journal of the Moscow State University. Series 9. Philology, 5, 161-173.
- Ivanova, M.V., & Hallowell, B. (2012). Validity of an eye-tracking method to index working memory in people with and without aphasia. Aphasiology, 26, 556-578. doi:10.1080/02687038.2011.618219
- Mikadze, Y.V., Kozintseva, E.G., Skvortsov, A.A., Zaykova, A.V., & Ivanova, M.V. (2012). Psychological structure of writing in contemporary western neuropsychology. [in Russian] Neurology, neuropsychiatry, psychosomatics, 2, 21-29.
- Mikadze, Y.V., Kozintseva, E.G., Skvortsov, A.A., Zaykova, A.V., & Ivanova, M.V. (2012). Psychological analysis of the structure of writing: the history of agraphia studies in foreign neuropsychology. Part 2. [in Russian] Psychological studies, 1(21).
- Mikadze, Y.V., Kozintseva, E.G., Skvortsov, A.A., Zaykova, A.V., & Ivanova, M.V. (2011). Psychological analysis of the structure of writing: the history of agraphia studies in foreign neuropsychology. Part 1. [in Russian] Psychological studies, 5(19).
- Hallowell, B., & Ivanova, M.V. (2009). Development and standardization of a Multiple-Choice Test of Auditory Comprehension for aphasia in Russian. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 2, 83-98.
- Ivanova, M.V., & Hallowell, B. (2009). Short form of the Bilingual Aphasia Test in Russian: Psychometric data of persons with aphasia. Aphasiology, 23, 544-556. doi:10.1080/02687030701800784
Book Chapters
- Dronkers, N.D. & Ivanova M.V. (2023). The neuroscience of language &
aphasia. In G.G. Brown, T.Z. King, K.Y. Haaland, & B. Crosson (Eds.) APA
Handbook of Neuropsychology. American Psychological Association, New
York, NY. - Baldo, J.V., Ivanova, M.V., Herron, T.J., Wilson, S.M., & Dronkers, N.F.
(2022). Voxel-based lesion symptom mapping. In D. Pustina & D. Mirman
(Eds.) Lesion-to-symptom mapping: Principles and tools. Neuromethods,
vol 180, Springer, New York, NY. doi∷10.1007/978-1-0716-2225-4_5
- Dronkers, N.D. & Ivanova M.V. (in press). The neuroscience of language & aphasia. In APA Handbook of Neuropsychology.
- Baldo, J.V., Ivanova, M.V., Herron, T.J., Wilson, S.M., & Dronkers, N.F. (2022). Voxel-based lesion symptom mapping. In D. Pustina & D. Mirman (Eds.) Lesion-to-symptom mapping: Principles and tools. Neuromethods, vol 180, Springer, New York, NY.